Category Archives: Local Legislators, Rob Bishop
Curmudgeon category?
Alton coal mine: more private profits at public expense.
Rural jobs and public lands
Rob Bishop is flunking economics.
Mike Noel embarasses himself all the way to the U.K.
Speaking of cronyism, I can’t resist posting this one. Rick Perry’s campaign is caught censoring scientific climate in this report from The Guardian in Britain. And, as they note,
In Utah, meanwhile, Mike Noel, a Republican member of the Utah state legislature called on the state university to sack a physicist who had criticised climate science doubters. The university rejected Noel’s demand, but the physicist, Robert Davies said such actions had had a chilling effect on the state of climate science. “We do have very accomplished scientists in this state who are quite fearful of retribution from lawmakers, and who consequently refuse to speak up on this very important topic. And the loser is the public,” Davies said in an email. “By employing these intimidation tactics, these policymakers are, in fact, successful in censoring the message coming from the very institutions whose expertise we need.”. . . more>>
More Republican assault on our wild land heritage.
It’s out there when both the right and left are alarmed.
Preaching conservation without a choir
Voting for Oil Field Vistas?
You don’t have to be an environmental activist to believe that it would be criminal to see oil, gas, or coal mining corporations destroy our beautiful canyons and our wild lands. Not all agree, including members of the Legislature’s Redistricting Committee, several of whom are also members of the Patrick Henry Caucus. And Gov. Gary Herbert. . . . more>>