Economics of Natural

For the folks at Black Diamond, it’s not just about making climbing and skiing gear – it’s also about standing up to protect the resources and places that are not only important, but essential to the sports we all thrive on. In an open letter sent to Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar yesterday, Black Diamond CEO Peter Metcalf, along with representatives from more than 30 national outdoor brands, voiced his opposition to a potentially devastating proposed oil and gas development in Desolation Canyon, Utah.  . . . more>>

It’s a Global Garden

It doesn’t have to be pure wilderness to be valuable as natural landscape.  “We are already running the whole Earth, whether we admit it or not. To run it consciously and effectively, we must admit our role and even embrace it. We must temper our romantic notion of untrammeled wilderness and find room next to it for the more nuanced notion of a global, half-wild rambunctious garden, tended by us.”  From Emma Marris’s new book  Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World   more>>