Little Pleiades

AKA NGC 2169, is an open cluster in the Orion constellation. It is nicknamed “The ’37’ Cluster” due to its resemblance to the numerals “37.” At magnitude 5.9, it can be seen by naked eye in dark skies.

North (toward Polaris) is up in the photo. The picture was taken with a fully modified Canon Rebel camera (this is my one shot color camera) on a TEC 140 telescope in the Alpenglow-Torrey House Observatory in the dark sky community of Torrey, Utah (Bortle 2-3).

Six 20 second sub-frames were used and stacked in Deep Sky Stacker = two minute photo. Binned 2X2. Unguided, no darks or flats. Processed in Photoshop (CS5).

Location in the night sky of the photo:

One thought on “Little Pleiades

  1. Anonymous

    it always seems like magic to me…the stars are up there and I know and love 7 or 8 constellations…you have knowledge far beyond mine…plus a telescope…you take a photograph…it shows up on my computer screen and fills me with awe…sheer magic. thanks Mark

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