Author Archives: Mark

About Mark

Stroke in 10/2021 and still figuring it out.

Flaming Star Nebula

Starry nights to you!

IC 405 (also known as the Flaming Star Nebula, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) is an emission and reflection nebula in the constellation Auriga. It is generally not visible to the naked eye. Auriga is near the winter Milky Way so there are a lot of stars in and around the nebula.

Flaming Star Nebula

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NGC 752 Open Cluster

NGC 752 Open Cluster is in the constellation Andromeda. The cluster is just visible to the naked eye in very dark conditions. Since the Moon was waxing gibbous at 78% on November 22, I used a hydrogen oriented filter to filter out the moonlight. The filter also makes the stars look smaller.

In Andromeda

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Messier 11

M11 (NGC 6705) is an open cluster in the constellation Scutum commonly known as the Wild Duck Cluster.

Here’s the stars:

by Mark Bailey

The picture was taken with a modified Canon Rebel on a TEC 140 from the Alpenglow-Torrey House Observatory in the dark sky community of Torrey, Utah (Bortle 2-3) on October 24, 2022. 10 2-minute frames stacked in Deep Sky Stacker = 20 minute exposure.