M110 is an elliptical galaxy (NGC 205), in Andromeda, and is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy, M31.
M110 is in the center of the frame below.
M110 is an elliptical galaxy (NGC 205), in Andromeda, and is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy, M31.
M110 is in the center of the frame below.
M32 is an elliptical galaxy (NGC 221), in Andromeda and is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy, M31.
M32 is in the center of the frame below.
M52 (NGC 7654) is an open cluster in Cassiopeia.
The cluster of stars in the middle of the frame below is M52. The Bubble Nebula, or NGC 7635, is in the lower right-hand corner. Continue reading
M30 is a globular cluster (NGC 7099), in Capricornus.
Best 10 of 12 2 minute eposures = 20 minutes. Stacked in DSS. Processed in PS. Taken at Alpenglow Torrey House Observatory in dark sky community of Torrey, Utah 9/23/2022. Continue reading
This group or asterism of 4 stars M73 (NGC 6994) is also in Aquarius like M72 and M2.
The observatory is mostly working. It has a pointing problem that is fixed by plate solving. Plate solving is the magic where it takes a picture and compares it to where it thinks it’s supposed to be and moves the telescope to where it is supposed to be. So I just tell it to point to M73 and the system does the rest. Continue reading
On October 6, 2021 I had an ischemic stroke. An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot keeps blood from flowing to your brain. In my case it was in underdeveloped blood vessels in the cerebellum part of my brain. I did not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The result was a form of ataxia which effects my balance and my left side. I cannot stand up unsupported or walk or do do simple things with my left hand like type.
I posted a shot of M15 on September 4.
M72 is a globular cluster, (NGC 6981), in the constellation Aquarius.
(best 10 of 12) X 120 seconds (20 minutes) Continue reading
There is a waning moon and no clouds so I’m getting a couple quick pictures.
My photo of M2 is below.
Charles Messier- source Wikipedia
Charles Messier was born in 1730. Messier was a comet hunter which led him to continually come across fixed fuzzy objects in the night sky which could be mistaken for comets. He made a list of them so that he and other comet hunters would not be misled by the objects. Continue reading