As a moral statement I have chosen to quit using big social media and big tech. The irony is that my tiny boycott against the bigs costs only me.
I have closed all my social media accounts in part because:
- they spread disinformation and lies for immense profit,
- they are purposefully addictive (the above works),
- they are economically way too big and suppress vital competition,
- they are politically biased (the right embraces lying and conspiracy much more than the left), and
- they cause great anxiety.
It is ironic that without social media I have no platform to voice my stance. I have less than a handful of followers on this otherwise nifty blog and website. If I want more followers I am advised that I have to use social media to get them.

It also costs me money to be virtuous. Particularly regarding big tech. Books for instance, of which I buy many, cost more and take longer to get here when I don’t use Amazon. It takes longer and costs more to go to the hardware store for almost anything. Camera supplies and equipment costs more and do not just show up on my step. Supporting and subscribing to print media is expensive.
But if you ask me if it is worth several hundred dollars a year or so along with more time to shop locally my quick reaction is sure. That does not sound like all too much. As a guy who retired too young, and then personally financed Torrey House Press for too long (another moral cause), I don’t have money to spare but I will vote with what I have and spend it locally anyway.
I have to look myself in the mirror even if no one else can see me. Yet, like the falling tree in the forest, am I being moral if no one hears me? If I am merely holding my ground with a small voice in a big void, is that not enough?
Mark, you tell a sad tale, rich with irony and abounding with moral commitment.
When i send my ballot off on Monday I’ll do so knowing that we’re way past a sustainable future and that the next administration (supposing that we’ll have a next one) will be anything but perfect.
That’s life, I tell myself, don’t pretend otherwise.
And keep on keeping on.
We find local biz in urban places like Salt Lake City all masked up. Rural places not so much. Same as Democrat/Republican divide.
I enjoy your thoughts and applaud your new stance. I would enjoy seeing you. I will continue to enjoy your writing.
Thank you, Alexander. Good to have fellow travelers.
Alexander- I have been admiring your work. Do you know my friend Guy Tal ( Guy is another brilliant, introverted, landscape photographer now from southern Utah in the same town I have my observatory. You remind me a bit of each other. I am a fan of both of you. -Mark
Mark, woke up this morning remembering the sad tenor of your post and thought I would tell you once again what a wonderfully warm welcome you gave Sam and me back in the day. And not just a welcome but an ongoing, heartfelt friendship tinged with the loss of our brothers. It’s a beautiful fall morning and while I split some wood for the winter I’ll remember your kindness.
Alexander- While I am on a little roll here, a couple more names I admire come to mind you might already know as well. Achim Schaller is a software developer from the Black Forest area in Germany. He wrote and somewhat conspired with Guy Tal peer Floris van Breugal from So. Cal ( a star trails program ( that is fun and easy to use. Both these guys know the Southwest U.S. better than I do. -Mark
Scott, yours are always welcome words to me. I too am grateful our paths have crossed. Been thinking, as you know all about, of my brother. Like you first said to me, it has not stopped hurting and I do not want it to. What you told me remains dear and supportive. Split some wood for all of us on this beautiful day.
Mark. Sam here. Like Scott, I am so glad to have met you. Your calm presence tethered with your life experiences have been very important to me. I too have shunned social media for 3years or so. I have been back on FB for a few months for a variety of reasons, mostly those you have mentioned. I am now ready to drop FB again. It is very hard to support evil enterprises even though we get something from it (approbation, likes, etc.). As for THP, what a legacy. THP is very important voice emerging from the cacophony of modern life. You have been an important voice for reason and sanity in an increasingly unsane world. Keep the faith, brother!
Sam, so good to hear from you. Do you keep a blog or website that is not FB? I’d love to hear more about what you are thinking. Maybe Scott and I can talk you into it if not? Onward! -Mark
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